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Kami disini membantu anda

Gabungkan aplikasi pengiriman, website pesanan langsung, dan sistem POS anda dalam satu sistem Hubster.
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Mengapa Saya harus menggunakan Hubster?

Jika Anda memiliki tantangan dalam menjalankan bisnis order online, seperti repotnya melakukan update menu di cabang dan aplikasi berbeda, sulitnya berpindah aplikasi menggunakan satu tablet yang sama, dan lainnya, maka Hubster adalah solusi Anda untuk meringankan beban-beban operasional tersebut.

Business Manager, salah satu solusi kami, membantu Anda membaca performa terkonsolidasi yang mudah dipahami, mencakup semua brand, lokasi, dan partner jasa pemesanan makanan online.

Order Manager, solusi kami, menghubungkan semua layanan online order Anda dalam satu tampilan. Order Manager juga memberikan kendali penuh atas bisnis Anda di platform pemesanan online. Kelola dan lakukan update menu, outlet dan lainnya melalui satu aplikasi saja dengan lebih efisien.

Bagaimana Hubster dapat mengembangkan operasional bisnis saya di bagian online?

Kami membantu menghilangkan human error, menambahkan layanan pemesanan makanan online tambahan (pelanggan baru untuk Anda), dan menyederhanakan operasional. Kami juga memberi Anda akses ke analisis performa bisnis Anda secara visual untuk membantu Anda mengambil keputusan operasional yang lebih tepat karena berdasarkan data.

Apakah Hubster membantu pelanggan untuk penggunaan layanannya?

Tentu saja! Anggap kami adalah tim tambahan dari bisnis Anda. Anda dapat mengakses tim support kami melalui chat, email, text, dan telepon. Kami disini untuk melayani Anda. Terasa menyenangkan, kan? :)


Apa itu Business Manager?

Business Manager, salah satu solusi kami, membantu Anda membaca performa terkonsolidasi yang mudah dipahami, mencakup semua brand, lokasi, dan partner jasa pemesanan makanan online.

Business Manager adalah pusat data dan wawasan bisnis Anda. Alat ini menggabungkan semua data pesanan dari seluruh penyedia layanan pemesanan online menjadi satu dashboard yang mudah dinavigasi dan sangat visual. Di dalam Business Manager, Anda dapat melihat tren performa di seluruh brand dan lokasi Anda, juga mempelajari pesanan individu untuk memahami tren dan masalah pada masing-masing item/produk. Business Manager ini akan di update dan kami akan terus menambahkan fitur baru setiap bulannya.

Bagaimana cara memulai menggunakan Business Manager?

Anda dapat mendaftar untuk Business Manager disini.

Berapa biaya Business Manager?

Anda bisa mendapat Business Manager dengan biaya flat mulai dari Rp99,000 per bulan untuk tiap lokasi.

Layanan pengiriman apa yang didukung oleh Business Manager?

Kami mendukung semua layanan pemesanan makanan online utama dan kami menambahkan lebih banyak setiap hari. Lihat halaman Integrasi kami untuk informasi lebih lanjut.

Berapa lama waktu yang dibutuhkan untuk menyiapkan Business Manager?

Mendaftarkan restoran Anda ke Business Manager sangat cepat! Anda dapat mengakses Business Manager dalam waktu 6 jam kerja setelah mendaftar, selama kami telah menerima informasi awal yang diperlukan.

Apakah Business Manager memerlukan perangkat keras?

Tidak ada perangkat keras yang dibutuhkan. Anda dapat mengakses-nya di situs web Business Manager melalui laptop, tablet, atau ponsel di

Business Manager

Apa itu Order Manager?

Order Manager menghubungkan semua provider pemesanan makanan online Anda dan memberikan Anda kendali penuh atas bagian online dari bisnis Anda. Dari Order Manager, Anda dapat secara otomatis menerima pesanan dari semua provider, melacak dan memantau seluruh status pengiriman-nya, menjeda dan melanjutkan restoran (pause and unpause), mengganti kesediaan hidangan saat kehabisan bahan, memperbarui jam buka toko Anda, dan mengukur keberhasilan bisnis pemesanan online Anda dengan laporan dan insight yang komprehensif.

Bagaimana cara saya mendapatkan Order Manager?

Anda dapat mendaftar untuk mendapat Order Manager disini.

Apakah Order Manager mendukung cara kerja yang berbeda-beda?

Kami mendukung dua cara utama untuk menggunakan perangkat lunak kami:

1. Pesanan Anda harus melalui sistem POS
Dalam hal ini, kami menyediakan tablet yang mengumpulkan semua layanan pesanan online Anda kedalam satu tempat sehingga Anda dapat melihat dan menerima pesanan secara mudah. Sebagian besar restoran menggunakan layanan ini untuk membuat antrian pesanan dan mengelolanya kedalam sistem POS mereka.

2. Anda tidak terlalu peduli tentang sistem POS Anda.
Dalam hal ini, kami menyediakan tablet sekaligus printer. Anda dapat meletakkan printer di dapur dan mereka dapat mengirimkan pesanan berdasarkan tiket yang dicetak. Anda juga dapat meminta tablet dari kami sehingga Anda memiliki cara untuk mengawasi semua pesanan Anda di lokasi restoran.

Berapa biaya Order Manager?

Hubster tersedia dalam harga bulanan yang terjangkau per lokasi - kami tidak membebankan komisi apapun, dan harga bulanannya tetap. Untuk detail lebih lanjutnya, lihat halaman pricing kami disini. Terima integrasi dan pesanan tanpa batas agar Anda dapat mulai bekerja dengan cepat dan bebas khawatir.

Apakah Order Manager mengenakan biaya untuk setiap pesanan yang diproses?

Langganan Anda sudah termasuk pesanan tak terbatas. Tidak ada biaya per pesanan atau komisi dalam bentuk lainnya.

Layanan pemesanan makanan online apa saja yang didukung oleh Order Manager?

Kami mendukung semua layanan pemesanan makanan online utama dan kami menambahkan lebih banyak setiap hari. Lihat halaman integrasi kami untuk informasi lebih lanjut.

Berapa lama waktu yang dibutuhkan untuk menerima tablet dan / atau printer?

Anda dapat menerimanya dengan cepat dan mudah yang biasanya dapat diselesaikan dalam beberapa hari! Jika Anda sudah siap untuk memulai, klik di sini.

Apa yang harus saya lakukan dengan semua tablet lama yang dikirimkan layanan pemesanan makanan online saya?

Silahkan untuk tetap mengisi daya dan menyimpannya jika Anda membutuhkannya lagi. Namun Anda tetap dapat menerima pesanan dari layanan pemesanan makanan tanpa mengaktifkan tablet mereka.

Order Manager

Coba Hubster dengan demo gratis

Tim sales kami akan menjelaskan detail tentang produk kami dan menjawab semua pertanyaan anda
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Percaya dari pengalaman

Dengarkan dari para koki dan pengusaha yang meningkatkan bisnis mereka dengan Hubster.
Owner, Restoran Steggo
"Restoran yang fokus pada pesanan online lebih baik menggunakan Hubster. Semua sudah otomatis."

Start your 30-day free trial


Why should I use Otter?

Otter provides you with a comprehensive product and service offering that is focused on helping your restaurant quickly and sustainably grow its online food ordering business. Our Business Manager and Order Manager tools, in addition to our upgrade to Otter Premium, eliminate the chaos of online ordering. 

Our free Business Manager product has consolidated and insightful performance reporting across all of your brands, locations, and online order providers.  It’s tailored for owners and managers to enable strategic and efficient day-to-day restaurant management.  Our Order Manager product links all of your delivery services to give you complete control of your online ordering business through a singular tablet and optional printer.  Through an upgrade to Otter Premium, you gain access to white glove services that further streamline your operations, as well as a dedicated Customer Success Manager who collaborates with you to grow your online food ordering.

How can Otter help me improve my online operations?

We help you eliminate human error, reduce food waste, add additional online food ordering services (and new customers), and simplify operations. We also give you free access to cutting-edge, visual performance analytics and insights to guide operational decisions that can improve your business.

Does Otter help customers use the service?

Absolutely! Think of us as an extension of your front-of-house team. You can access our best-in-class support team through chat, email, text, and phone. We’re here to serve you. Feels nice, right?

Business Manager

What is Business Manager?

Business Manager is a free reporting and insights tool for restaurant owners and operators. The tool consolidates all order data across online ordering service providers into one, easy-to-navigate and highly visual dashboard. Within Business Manager, you’ll be able to see performance trends across your brands and locations, in addition to diving into individual orders to understand item trends and issues. We are continuously innovating with our Business Manager tool and are excited to deliver more insights across your operations in the future.

How do I sign up for Business Manager?

You can sign up for Business Manager here. You can also reach out to our sales team here.

How does Business Manager work?

Business Manager aggregates your data across your online ordering service providers. You can easily access the tool from any laptop, tablet, or mobile device through

How much does Business Manager cost?

Business Manager is free! How cool is that?  We are dedicated to helping restaurants succeed, so providing restaurants with free access to our tool is part of our mission.

What delivery services does Business Manager support?

We support all major online food ordering services and we’re adding more every day. Check out our Integrations page for more information.

How long does it take to set up Business Manager?

Business Manager set up is fast! You can access the tool within 6 hours of signing up as long as we have received the required initial information for set up.

Does Business Manager require any hardware?

No hardware is required. You can access the Business Manager website tool through a laptop, tablet, or mobile phone at

Order Manager

What is Order Manager?

With one tablet and optional printer, Order Manager links all of your delivery services to give you complete control of your online ordering business. From our connected system you can automatically accept orders from all of your delivery services, track and monitor the status of everything at a glance, pause and unpause your stores, 86 menu items when you’ve run out of ingredients, update your store hours, and measure the success of your online ordering business with comprehensive reporting and insights.

How do I sign up for Order Manager?

You can sign up for Order Manager here. You can also reach out to our sales team here.

Does Order Manager support different ways of working?

We support two primary ways of using our software:

1. It’s important for your orders to flow through your POS system
In this case, we provide a tablet that aggregates all of your online ordering services so you have a single place to accept and view your incoming orders. Most restaurants use us to queue up orders and manage getting them into their POS system.

2. You don’t care much for your POS system
In this case, we provide a tablet as well as a printer. You can place the printer near your cooks in the kitchen and they can fire orders based on the printed tickets. You’ll also get a tablet so you have a way to keep an eye on all of your in-flight orders.

How much does Order Manager cost?

Otter is available for a low monthly cost per location - we don’t charge any commission and our monthly rate is fixed.  For more detail, see our pricing page here.  Receive unlimited integrations and orders so you can get up-and-running quickly and worry-free.

Does Order Manager charge for every processed order?

Your subscription comes with unlimited orders. There are no per-order fees.

What delivery services does Order Manager support?

We support all major online food ordering services and we’re adding more every day. Check out our Integrations page for more information.

How long does it take to receive the tablet and / or printer?

Getting started is fast and easy and can typically be accomplished in a few days! If you’re ready to get started, click here.

What should I do with all of the tablets that my online food ordering services sent me?

Feel free to keep them charged and stowed away should you ever need them again. But maybe the bigger question is… what are you going to do with all of that newly recovered counter space?!

Otter Premium FAQs

What is Otter Premium?

Otter Premium is the white glove service offered by Otter’s Success and Support teams to help streamline your operations. With Otter Premium, our team will be responsible for syncing and maintaining your online food ordering menus across all of your providers as your POS system, should you opt into our POS integrations. A dedicated Customer Success Manager and priority Support queue will ensure you always have help and access to restaurant growth and operational expertise when you need it.

Are Business Manager and Order Manager part of Otter Premium?

Yes, access to Business Manager and Order Manager are included within Otter Premium.

How much does Otter Premium cost?

To learn more about Otter Premium costs, speak to a member of our Sales team or a Premium Specialist here.

What is menu syncing and why is it important?

Keeping your menu synced is important to ensure consistency across your online food ordering platforms and / or POS system. When menus get out-of-sync, it's common for items to have different descriptions, prices, modifier groups, and photos. This creates a poor brand experience for your eaters, adds complexity to your operations, and makes basic business reporting much more challenging and time consuming than it needs to be. Menu syncing can save your team hours on a weekly or monthly basis.

What does a dedicated Customer Success Manager do?

We like to think of our CSMs as your personal business and operational consultants. They start by ensuring your onboarding experience is extremely smooth. Afterwards, they'll serve as an ongoing consultant for your business. Assisting in strategy to help grow your sales, reduce operating expenses and improve the overall delivery experience for your eaters. This includes strategy sessions on pricing, menus, operations, brand experience, and marketing & promotions.

What does priority support mean?

Any Support email, chat, or call will be routed to our priority queue, which is served by dedicated Support reps for our Order Manager Premium customers.

What is included in the customized reporting?

This is why it's called customized! We'll tailor reporting to your business needs.